An Evening with
Mark & Trudi Sayers

Mark & Trudi Sayers are the lead Pastors at Red Church in Melbourne and are being hosted by Churches of Christ Australia to share on the topic of Leading Australian Churches in a Changing Culture on Monday 13 May, 7-9pm at Lifestreams SP.


Trudi is National Director of 24-7 Prayer Australia. Trudi’s passion for prayer has grown in fervour, through witnessing firsthand the power of prayer to bring renewal in her own life, and corporately for the Church.


Mark is passionate about spiritual renewal and the future of the Church. He is the author of a number of books including; Reappearing Church and A Non-Anxious Presence.


Together, Mark and Trudi will be sharing their passion for prayer, renewal and the future of the Church.

Please click on the button below to register for your ticket, the cost is just $20. 

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