Gospel of Ruth

God In Our Shattered Dreams | 21st August 2022

Join us as Liz takes us through the next chapter in our new series exploring the book of Ruth.

Sometimes our dreams can be shattered. We can lose a husband or wife, a child or someone we loved. We can struggle with sickness or a job might not turn out as we hoped. Ruth and Naomi had their dreams shattered with the loss of their husbands and ended up in financial troubles. They decided to move back to Bethlehem to try to start over. In the Old Testament, God had a welfare system for the poor that enabled them to go and glean in the field to get food. While Naomi struggled with bitterness Ruth decided to glean for food for her and her mother in law.  Ruth happened to end up in the field of Boaz a relative of Naomi. Boaz demonstrated God’s heart to provide and protect the vulnerable and we start to see a whole new beginning for Ruth and Naomi.  No matter what we have gone through, new beginnings are always possible with God


 To watch THE BIBLE PROJECT: RUTH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h1eoBeR4Jk&t=98s

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